Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is mapEDU?
    As one customer has observed, “mapEDU has cracked the black box of what’s actually being taught in the classroom.”

    That’s because mapEDU has flipped the script on how curriculum mapping is done today!

    mapEDU takes your delivered curricular content (that is, most everything from recorded lectures and PowerPoints to exam questions) and 

    • maps it to your preferred learning outcomes (think program, course, or session objectives, or national outcomes like USMLE)

    • surfaces where MeSH terms are being taught throughout your curriculum.

    Using Natural Language Processing, a subfield of artificial intelligence, mapEDU helps you make data-driven curricular decisions. Highly accurate reports, ranked lists, exam category tags, and curriculum maps provide the information you need to identify both gaps and redundancies for continuous quality improvement.
    mapEDU is the only cloud-based platform specifically designed for curriculum mapping and analytics in higher education—especially in health science programs like allopathic, nursing, osteopathic, pharmacy, and dental schools.

    U.S. Patent Pending

  2. How does mapEDU work?
    mapEDU offers Curriculum Mapping, Exam Tagging, and an Accreditation Assist Report to objectively surface actionable data on your delivered curriculum. 

    To ensure continuous quality improvement and being “Accreditation Ready,” our curriculum mapping software subscription provides a comprehensive and organized view of what is actually being taught in a lecture, course, program or entire educational system. Our Exam Tagging involves assigning content classifications to exam questions according to the content they address. And mapEDU’s Accreditation Assist Report is a white-glove service to kick-start your curricular review and self-study. 

    Subscribers of the software input actual course content, including audio and video lectures, handouts, presentations and more. mapEDU extracts text from these supported files and surfaces relevant MeSH Terms. The content may be flexibly organized by session, course, program, week, etc.

    Using a university's uploaded content and learning objectives, mapEDU’s Natural Language Processing software computes alignment of the content and objectives and generates a variety of interactive reports detailing how well the curricular content covers the objectives. mapEDU also identifies where content is taught based on National Library of Medicine MeSH terms.

  3. Does mapEDU provide outcomes for mapping?
    mapEDU provides many pre-set outcomes.
    Nursing: AACN CORE Essentials, QSEN
    Osteopathic: AACOM Core Competencies, COMLEX Blueprint Dimensions, AACOM EPAs
    Pharmacy: AACP EPAs, ACPE Appendix 1, CAPE 2013 Educational Outcomes, NAPLEX
    Dentistry: ADEA, CODA
    Cultural: TACCT, DEI
    Internal school program objectives may be added by local administrators.

  4. How deep can mapEDU go?
    mapEDU can map your entire curricula content from your 



    program, or 

    entire educational system level. 

    mapEDU can even surface National Library of Medicine MeSH terms within each event or exam question.

  5. What type of input data does mapEDU require?
    mapEDU eliminates the need for faculty surveys by using digital course content which mapEDU will transcribe and analyze to become a data source. For exam tagging, you’ll send us an export file from your exam software. Supported file types for curriculum mapping include: Microsoft Office (Docs, Excel, PowerPoint), mp4, mp3, pdf, txt and Apple iWork files. For exam tagging: rtf.

  6. Is mapEDU secure?
    mapEDU provides end-to-end encryption of curricular data, ensuring maximum protection at both upload, processing, and storage.

  7. How frequently can I map my curriculum?
    As frequently as you wish. This capability enables the curriculum to be quickly assessed for the impact of changes to the curriculum, event alterations, and predictive modeling.

  8. Can I try mapEDU?
    Yes! Let’s get started.

  9. Does mapEDU really save money?

    mapEDU increases productivity by handling the undifferentiated heavy lifting of curriculum mapping–no more manual subjective tags–saving valuable faculty time and administrator costs.

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