Exam Category Tagging for Meaningful Assessment Analysis

Automated, uniform exam-question tagging


Who wants to manually tag every exam question in your program? Anyone volunteering for that? Even though exam tags can greatly facilitate analyzing student success and surface areas to improve instruction and assessment, it’s tedious, laborious, and often without the needed uniformity to make the effort worthwhile. mapEDU automates the process for objectivity and uniformity. Export your questions, and mapEDU tags  each one by subject area(s) and/or
your set(s) of learning outcomes.


  • Tag Items to appropriate content areas. Allow mapEDU to solve the data analytics conundrum by tagging questions with specific, uniform content areas like MeSH terms or AAMC keywords.

  • Improve your existing reporting. With multiple quizzes, exams, midterms, and final exams, it can be difficult to observe trends where students are learning and where faculty need to reinforce certain content areas. Couple that with inaccurate tags and as the adage goes: “garbage in, garbage out.” mapEDU can help improve your existing student, category, and course reports by correctly tagging your questions.

  • Accelerate remediation and feedback. Accurate tagging means your exam software can quickly identify content areas where students have opportunities for improvement. A score of 80% for two students can mean completely different challenges for each student. Supporting each student’s success with early and accurate remediation allows for retention and future success.

  • Gain confidence. Avoid common mistakes like faculty tagging their names or broadly tagging hundreds, if not thousands, of questions with a generic category. Instead have mapEDU accurately tag your questions for you. All you have to do is export questions, review tags after processing, and import them back into your question banks.