Accreditation Assist
for Health Professions Schools
Fast, objective analysis of planned vs. lived curriculum
–so you know where objectives are taught (or not)
Prepping for an accreditation review? mapEDU’s staff will quickly and objectively produce a written report analyzing the alignment of your curriculum objectives with content delivered to students (like recorded lectures, slide presentations, and handouts).
Time efficient. Traditional curriculum mapping methods involve wrangling data, manual entry, and subjective tagging that can take months or years to complete. In contrast, mapEDU can deliver an objective analysis in just days so you and your team can focus on strategy and progress rather than process.
Objective analysis. mapEDU’s patent-pending software suite extracts text from your digital media content then uses a Natural Language Processing algorithm to map content to any set of your desired outcomes, that is, program, course, lecture, and/or assessment objectives.
Detailed written report. mapEDU staff organize the data and prepare a report with analysis. mapEDU heat maps show where class content aligns with objectives as well as where to look for potential gaps and redundancies. Your report presents high-level results for the program and drills down to course and session results–each with summaries, interpretations, and supporting data.
Bonus. mapEDU automatically discovers where the National Library of Medicine MeSH terms are delivered in your curriculum--at the program, course, or individual session level.
“mapEDU has cracked the black box of what’s actually being taught in the classroom”