Data-Driven Curriculum Decisions for Health Professions Schools
Objective curriculum mapping, design & analysis
Curricular content is the core of any health professions school. It’s the foundation of every program, concept, and learner. And, for too long, only manual, subjective, and tedious methods existed for curriculum decision making. Good news. With mapEDU there’s a better way.
Tedious • Elongated process • Expensive
Questionable results • Administrative time sapper
You’re familiar with the process. Appoint an administrative lead, survey faculty, plead for responses, receive subjective submissions, work up a spreadsheet, create some reports. It can take a year. Or more. And after all the dedicated hours of effort, what is your confidence level? Do you have anything truly actionable?
Fast • Automated • Comprehensive
Objective • Accurate
mapEDU eliminates the need for tedious faculty surveys by using actual course content—lecture recordings, presentations, and handouts.
Course-level mapping to national and local outcomes is fast and objective with your uploaded classroom content.
Actual course content provides highly accurate and comprehensive results down to the event level! You can even surface National Library of Medicine MeSH terms for each event so you can quickly look up what’s being taught where.
All mapping results are presented as graphical reports and ranked lists with key actionable takeaways to validate your curriculum revisions and accreditation requirements. Repeat the process any time for continuous improvement.
mapEDU comes pre-loaded with most national outcomes for allopathic, nursing, osteopathic, and pharmacy schools: USMLE, PCRS, AACN CORE Essentials, QSEN, COMLEX, AACOM EPAs and Core Competencies, AACP EPAs, CAPE 2013 Educational Outcomes, ACPE Appendix I, NAPLEX, and TACCT. Any other preferred outcomes may be easily imported.
Objective. mapEDU sits at the intersection of the human language and computational power. Skip the faculty surveys and let mapEDU’s Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithm do the undifferentiated heavy lifting of curriculum mapping. mapEDU analyzes and maps actual delivered content--not just what is intended for delivery as defined in course syllabi.
Time efficient. Trying to wrangle all your data is painful and time consuming. If a committee member departs, history is lost. Do faculty members share the same definitions of terms? Probably not. Gain control and objectively analyze all your data with mapEDU. Turn this process from months or years into minutes so you and your team can focus on strategy and progress rather than process.
Continuous quality improvement. Traditional products require manual entry and tagging of data, which is slow and subjective and leads to a once-every-so-often type of analysis. mapEDU allows for ad hoc analysis making it easier to work with faculty members and directors on continuous revisions and improvements.
Accreditation ready. Audit, report and monitor your delivered curricular content. mapEDU makes it simple to create a baseline understanding, identify gaps and redundancies, perform accreditation self-study, and generate insight to make data-driven decisions with your curriculum. Results are presented as interactive reports and key takeaways can be easily exported.
Granular. Don’t speculate. Surface. mapEDU automatically discovers where the National Library of Medicine MeSH terms are delivered in your curriculum--at the Program, Course, or individual session level.
“mapEDU has cracked the black box of what’s actually being taught in the classroom”